Workplace Harassment and Bullying
Nobody should be made to feel unsafe at work. Bullying affects a person’s physical health, mental well-being, productivity and self-worth. In our experience, those effects linger.
Security & support
Know your rights
Regain your power
Our Workplace Harassment lawyers pursue compensation for workplace bullying and harassment
If you are the victim of workplace harassment or bullying, contact our experienced personal claims lawyers for a free, confidential consultation.
As Western Australia’s trusted workplace harassment lawyers, Perth City Legal provides practical and supportive legal advice to sufferers of workplace bullying. We understand that making a workers’ compensation claim can be daunting, and we are on your side.

Perth City Legal helps WA workers pursue compensation for workplace injuries.
If you or your co-workers have experienced discrimination, bullying or injurious treatment, Perth City Legal's workplace harassment lawyers can help you hold the bullies accountable and get the compensation you deserve.
Lost income
Medical expenses
Pain and suffering
Stress leave
Psychological treatment
What is Harrassment and Bullying in the workplace in WA?
Workplace bullying is when a person or group of people repeatedly behave unreasonably towards a worker, and that behaviour creates health and safety risks. This behaviour can take many forms. It can be subtle or obvious, physical or virtual, implied or explicit, targeting an individual or a group. Every instance of workplace bullying is illegal.
No employee should have to endure bullying in the workplace. Our workplace harassment lawyers can help you identify, classify, and claim compensation for discriminatory behaviour.
Yelling and screaming
Excluding or isolating employees
Psychological harassment
Assigning meaningless tasks
Giving impossible jobs
Suppressing ideas
Withholding promotions based on protected attributes
Constant unfair criticism
Overloading a worker’s schedule

Your options as a victim of workplace bullying and harassment
If you are experiencing discrimination, intimidation or bullying in the workplace in WA and your employer is not taking appropriate action, seeking advice from a workplace harassment lawyer may be necessary. We can help you understand your rights according to applicable workplace bullying and harassment legislation.
Perth’s trusted workplace Harassment lawyers can help.
The Perth City Legal team has over 20 years of experience in workplace injury law. We help Western Australian workers understand their rights, manage WorkSafe claims, and get the compensation they deserve.
We understand the impact that workplace bullying can have on a person’s life. Our personal claims lawyers are committed to helping our clients achieve the best possible outcome.
Request a free, confidential consultation to get personal advice on your rights.
Request a free, confidential initial consultation